These States Are Basically Begging You to Get a Heat Pump

[ Death is coming for the old-school gas furnace—and its killer is the humble heat pump. They’re already outselling gas furnaces in the US, and now a coalition of states has signed an agreement to supercharge the gas-to-electric transition by making it as cheap and easy as possible for their residents to switch. Nine states … Read more

Trawling Boats Are Hauling Up Ancient Carbon From the Ocean Depths

[ The fillet of flounder sitting on your plate comes with a severe environmental cost. To catch it, a ship running on fossil fuels spewed greenhouse gases as it dragged a trawl net across the seafloor, devastating the ecosystems in its path. Obvious enough. But new research shows that the consequences extend even further: Trawl … Read more

Why Deleting Carbon From the Atmosphere Is So Controversial

[ Carbon removal techniques come in two main flavors—the technological and the natural—but also increasingly a melding of the two. The dominant technology at the moment is direct air capture, or DAC. This involves giant machines sucking in air and filtering out the CO2. Like an air purifier filters dust out of your indoor air, … Read more

China’s carbon neutral goal: Hitachi to build world’s biggest plant in Shaanxi to mix carbon dioxide, hydrogen into methane

[ Hitachi Zosen, a Japanese sustainable energy engineering company, will build the world’s largest facility to produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen generated at a coal-based industrial zone in Shaanxi province. The facility, a pilot project, is part of a Sino-Japanese collaboration on carbon reduction. Osaka-based Hitachi Zosen, a 139-year-old former shipbuilding giant that … Read more