Today’s daily horoscopes: April 12, 2024

[ One is an event. Two starts a pattern. The social Gemini moon illuminates patterns of human behavior. Automatic reactions are signs of character. Motivations, moves and manipulations also come to light. Understanding people’s reasons and patterns makes us better predictors of behavior, which increases personal power and effectiveness. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Even in … Read more

Today’s daily horoscopes: April 5, 2024

[ You don’t need everyone to be happy with your plan; you only need one person to be happy with it, the one who made it. Even that person should be given grace in doubt and the freedom to make adjustments along the way without the hassle of judgment. In short, give yourself everything you … Read more

Dear Abby: I am incapable of keeping my surroundings clean

[ DEAR ABBY: I have a serious problem I have lived with for practically my whole life. I’m sloppy. I am incapable of keeping my surroundings clean and taking care of my belongings. Each time I resolve to get busy and clean up my house or car or whatever, I become overwhelmed with anxiety and … Read more

Dear Annie: My husband slights me from time to time

[ Dear Annie: My husband — who is loving, hardworking and helpful around the house — slights me from time to time. I believe he loves me, but these slights really hurt and began to become a pattern about 12 years ago. It happened for the first time in our marriage when his ex-girlfriend from … Read more